Learn + Develop
Bridge Lessons
WABC offers a comprehensive in-house teaching programme. Using the Standard American system, our lessons and workshops are designed for complete beginners right through to advanced players.
The Beginners programme will be taught by Jodie Basham and is suitable for completely new players.
The current Beginners - Part 1 course is one lesson per week for ten weeks. The Beginners - Part 2 runs for eight weeks.
The cost of Part 1 is $150 and the cost of Part 2 is $120, payable at the first lesson by cash, cheque, electronic transfer or card.
Courses commence at the start of each quarter:
Semester 1: Early March
Semester 2: Early August
For the current lesson timetable, scroll down (or click here).

“Many games provide fun, but Bridge grips you. It exercises your mind. Your mind can rust, you know, but Bridge prevents the rust from forming.”
– Omar Sharif
Current Lesson timetable for 2025 SEMESTER 1
Here is an overview of the lessons being run at the moment. To register for any of these, please get in touch with Jodie. You can also view the General Flyer for 2025 Semester 1 here.
1. Beginners - Part 1
Starting 10-March
Lessons 1-10
(Note 1 week break 21-April)Monday Morning 9:00am - 11:00am
Monday Evening 6:45pm - 8:45 pm -
2. Beginners -Part 2
Starting 9-June
Lessons 1-8Monday Morning 9:00am - 11:00am
Monday Evening 6:45pm - 8:45 pm -
3. intermediate
Details coming
4. workshops
Details coming

“Bridge is such a sensational game that I wouldn’t mind being in jail if I had three cellmates who were decent players and who were willing to keep the game going 24 hours a day.”
– Warren Buffet
Bridge Course Overview
The Beginners courses will get you playing in club sessions. The intermediate course and workshops will improve your skills when you are ready to take the next steps. You never truly master this game, which is why it is so addictive, but you can give yourself an edge over your fellow players by developing your knowledge and skills. Become a lucky player by knowing more.
1. Beginners - Part 1
Suitable for players who don’t know one card from another, as well as those who have played before but are inexperienced or just a bit rusty. Logically structured, easy to follow.
Who: Complete beginners
When: Every semester
Duration: 10 weeks - 2 × 5 week modules -
2. Beginners - Part 2
Suitable for players who have just completed the Beginners Part 1 course (or have done so in the past), and would like to further their learning and improvement of the game. Logically structured, easy to follow.
Who: Beginners Part 1 Course graduates
When: Every semester
Duration: 8 weeks -
3. Rookies
Suitable for players who have completed the Beginners course (or have done so in the past), and would like to continue to further improve their learning and understanding of the game. This course will teach play techniques such as practice on counting, as well as introducing new and essential bidding conventions! Logically structured, easy to follow.
Who: Beginners Course graduates
When: Every semester
Duration: TBA -
4. Card Play Essentials for Rookies
Suitable for players who have completed the Rookies course who want to continue to improve their game. The course will introduce new techniques (e.g. Signalling on Defence). The convention Blackwood will also be taught in one of the lessons! Overall it is a good course to further your bridge (with more practice), whilst learning something new in every lesson. Logically structured, easy to follow.
Who: Rookies Course graduates
When: Once or twice a year
Duration: 2 x 3-lesson series -
Card Play Essentials
The fundamentals of good card play technique are clearly explained, with plenty of practice hands. Covers the right way to tackle both no trump and suit contracts plus vital ways of winning extra tricks. Gain a clear understanding of how to approach each hand and play with greater confidence and purpose.
Who: Improvers + Intermediate players
When: Once a year
Duration: 2 x 3-lesson series -
Intermediate Bidding
This course lays down the essential foundations for more accurate bidding by recapping the basics then adding more detail and structure. It’s the ideal way to master the meanings of bids in Standard American. The set hands also feature a card play theme each lesson.
Who: Improvers + Intermediate players
When: Once or twice a year
Duration: 2 x 3-lesson series -
Deadly Defence
A more detailed look at what to lead as well as how to signal to your partner (legally!) plus much more. Do you know when to cover an honour with an honour? Find out!
Who: Improvers + Intermediate players
When: Once a year
Duration: 2 x 3-lesson series -
How to Win at Duplicate
Starts with a clear explanation of how Duplicate is scored, laying the foundations for understanding the best tactics in bidding, play and defence at Duplicate. Learn when and how to be more adventurous and turn those bottoms into top scores!
Who: Improvers + Intermediate players
When: Once a year (sometimes)
Duration: 4-week course -
Four Classic Conventions
Weak Twos, Jacoby 2NT response, Transfers over 1NT and Fourth Suit Forcing are all essential conventions in the modern game. Find out why and improve your game!
Who: Improvers + Intermediate players
When: Once a year (sometimes)
Duration: 4-week course -
Master Card Play + Defence
A hands-on course for experienced players. Play 12 guided set hands each week and expand your range of techniques. Make more contracts that are makeable and defeat those that are defeatable. Builds on the foundations of Card Play Essentials and Deadly Defence. Suitable for Intermediate to Advanced.
Who: Intermediate + advanced players
When: Once a year (sometime)
Duration: 4-week course -
Modern Competitive Bidding
Modern contested auctions are a minefield. Learn when it is right to compete vigorously and how to lay traps for the opponents, whilst avoiding those they set for you.
Who: Improvers + Intermediate players
When: Once a year
Duration: 2 x 3 lesson series -
Modern Slam Bidding
Learn how to recognise slam potential and become familiar with the modern slam tools to get you there: Key Card Blackwood, Cue Bidding and Splinter Bids. If you are missing too many slams come and find out why.
Who: Intermediate players
When: Once a year (sometimes)
Duration: 4-week course -
Expert Card Play
Techniques that will help you see through the backs of the cards. “Guesses” can become certainties when you analyse all the clues. An advanced course for experienced players only.
Who: Intermediate + Advanced players
When: Once a year (sometimes)
Duration: 4-week course
Jodie Basham
Jodie first came across bridge as a child filling in at her parent’s bridge parties and has enjoyed it ever since. She has had over 10 years’ experience playing club bridge. During that time, Jodie has completed in International, Country and Metro Congresses. For the last 3 years, she has been involved in supporting our newer players as a Supervisor and Teacher on Wednesday evening and Friday morning supervised sessions. She hopes to pass on her love of bridge in a fun way.
Contact JODie BASHAM
For more information, to register in a course, or to be notified when the next suitable course will be run then contact Jodie on lessons@wabridgeclub.com.au using the contact form below.