Find a Partner
Bridge Partners are not always easy to find. People play on different days, play different systems at different levels. Even regular Partners are unable to play for many reasons and some Partners even take holidays. If you are looking for a bridge Partner, on a regular basis or for an occasional game, WABC has a number of options for you to explore:
Partner Finder
Jan McNab (Contact Link) is our Partner Finder volunteer. She will chat with you about your skill level and availability and put you in contact with someone matching your needs. She can also assist you with Pianola Partner Finder. Feel free to contact Jan on 0409 109 022 from 8.30am – 8.30pm onlyPianola Partner Finder
We all have times when we want to fill a gap in our bridge calendar. The Club offers an effective and easy-to-use Partner Finder service provided through Pianola.Log in to Pianola using the invitation you were sent when you joined the club (contact bridge@wabridgeclub.com.au if you can’t find it). If you’ve forgotten your Pianola password then use the Forgot my password link on the Pianola login screen - and wait for the password reset email to arrive. If you do not have access to the internet then Jan McNab (0409 109 022) is happy to post a Partner Finder advert for you
Once in Pianola, Click on Partner Finder (in Top Row)
Click on - Create a Partner Finder Advert
Choose - Date you wish to play
Choose - Session RequireNote that when you submit a partner wanted advertisement you do not get a copy of the email ad yourself. Good luck finding partners for your bridge!
Supervised Sessions
You may turn up at a Supervised Session without a Partner. If you come without a partner, please arrive 15 minutes before the start of play. These sessions are for less experienced players and are played in a relaxed manner. You may ask the Supervisor about bidding and card play and access your bridge notes.Saturday Play
On the regular Saturday Session a Duty Partner is available to play with people without a Partner. You must make yourself known to the Director 30 minutes before play is due to start to allow time to meet and chat with this person.Buddy Program
The Buddy Program is unique to WABC. It is a service for members wanting to transition from Supervised play to Duplicate bridge in the general play area. WABC members who are not familiar with play in the main Duplicate Session have access to a Buddy for two sessions. Although this is not primarily a Partner Finder programme, while playing you may meet someone else looking for a Partner.