New books in the Library by Tessa Mayall

2/1 on Steroids by Daniel Solow

Modern bidding systems have evolved over the past hundred years, starting with four-card majors and culminating in 2/1. Yet you can still encounter the occasional deficiency — such as an ambiguous bid or ending up in the wrong contract. When this happened to Daniel Solow, he wondered if it was possible to fix some of the issues he encountered by developing a system from scratch using all the effective bidding principles that have been developed over time, and the answer is... yes (but with some tradeoffs)!  Join the author on a bridge cruise. Who knows, perhaps you     will decide to adopt their famous 3♣ Convention!

Bridge The Magic of Defense by Barbara Seagram with Caroline Sydnor

This easy guide to defense, both fun and memorable, will take a newer player quickly up to an intermediate skill level, if not beyond. With all of the tools needed to progress even further.

12 Important Bridge Lessons by David Bird

Twelve important topics on declarer play describing techniques that you might apply several times during every session you play. Each lesson contains at least eight illustrative deals. There is a set of Recap Questions to test you on the chosen topic, along with the answers. Finally, there are four play problems for you to solve, using the techniques just described.

Early lessons cover when to draw trumps, making tricks with trumps, and when to hold up.  Next, enjoy lessons on avoiding the danger hand, establishing a suit, surviving a blockage, and managing your entries. The final lessons cover counting tricks and points, deceiving the defenders, elimination play, combining chances, and counting shape.

World Class – European  Bridge Stars by Marc Smith

This all-new edition features the world's best players of today discussing their lives, at the table and away from it--how they started, their best and worst bridge memories, their favourite hands, why partnerships work well, and their hopes for the future. You will relive their triumphs and disasters at the bridge table and pick up plenty of tips to improve your game.

All Library books can be found on Learn + Develop, Library + Resources (the last on the list) and

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