2024 BAWA Teams of 3
There was an excellent turnout at the BAWA Teams of Three last Sunday with 23 teams entered.
The winners, who won all six of their matchers were our very own President, Sylvia Bray, along with Shirley Lavarack, Ziggy Morewiec and Master Tad Bieganski. Well done.
Jenny Simpson, another WABC member was a runner up.
The best Novice Team and the runners up featured Deana Wilson and David Burn as the Masters respectively.
Thanks to Cathy Hood, the Tournament Organiser for sending photos.
Results here
Winners - Tad Bieganski, Shirley Lavarack, Sylvia Bray, Ziggy Morawiec
Runners-up - Wilma Coloper, Jenny Simpson, Diane Smith, Gerry Daly
Best Novice - Jane Venter, Deana Wilson, Catherine Hancock, Carole Murphy
Runners-up Novice - David Burn, Ronnie Malthouse, Kate Sayer, Ross Pringle