NZ Congress – hand review from Open Pairs featuring Andy and Shane
The following is an excerpt from the 2022 Congress Bulletin, produced by Ed Roggeveen. We thank Ed for kindly giving us permission to reproduce this.
“Board 27 from the morning session had plenty to offer, especially for those pairs in the A section who were playing it at the end. I decided to observe the action at the table with Shane Harrison and Andy Hung vs Julian Foster and Jenna Gibbons,
The Bo Haglund analysis tells us 11 tricks are available in both ♠ and ♣ and, with neither side vulnerable, fireworks could well be expected. 10 tricks were also available for NS in ♦ but I wasn’t expecting them to be the final contract anywhere.
At this table the bidding was, perhaps, a bit passive:
Andy’s double showed the majors and Jenna’s 2♦ was a good raise in ♣ (a VERY good raise as it happened). Not too much trouble for Shane to push for game with 3♠ and after Julian's pass and a check that 2♦ was indeed a good raise, Andy thought for some time before passing and Jenna quickly raised to game where it was played. The initial lead of 9♦ was won by the Q, followed by the K which was ruffed in dummy. One spade trick was won by NS and Julian made his 11 tricks when he got the play of the ♥ suit correct . 100% of the match points then to Julian and Jenna. A bit of a dampener for Shane and Andy to finish on but they still ended the session, and indeed the day, in 1st place.”