President’s Report: August 2023
Sylvia Bray
From the President - Sylvia Bray
Since my last report in the April issue, we’ve had several events to keep everyone busy and involved, the main one being our annual winter congress. I take this opportunity to thank Martin for running this event and to David Burn for directing every session without an official assistant - an endurance feat indeed. Usual thanks to all who contributed to the all important catering, Kerry Barns and team and those contributing to the fabulous platters. Special thanks also to Kate North.
This was swiftly followed by the Masters Teams of 3, a most enjoyable day. Our numbers were a bit down this year. Do have a go when it comes up again, it’s great fun. The masters in the team are there to gently advise, and everyone, including masters, look forward to this event each year. It concludes with a supper afterwards, so do join us in 2024 - lots of fun for all.
In July a lot of us entered the daunting challenges of the ANC at the Perth Convention Centre, the first time for a truly national event for many. It will be 6 years before Perth hosts another one so stick around; the way the year is going it will be back here before you know it. Check out our website for club winners and grinners.
I hope you all have access to The Post Newspaper as we are being regularly featured in photos and stories. This is entirely due to our roving reporter, Penni Fletcher-Hughes who is doing an oustanding job in chasing stories and giving us some much deserved publicity at last. We have tried to capture the interest of The Post in the past, but thanks to Penni - and Carla Sullivan who had a valuable contact - we have now got their attentoion.
I recently attended a State Planning Department meeting regarding the progress of the Children’s Hospice development. We should be seeing some activity on the site in the next few weeks, and serious building is proposed to begin in February 2024. We have been assured they will be keeping us in close liaison to ensure we can be kept up to date on issues that affect us.
I take this opportunity to gently remind you that reserving tables for members is not an option as it’s unfair to those who arrive early, sometimes having to queue.
I urge you to check out our website as this is updated regularly and has plenty of information on past events, including photos and what’s coming up. You are of course encouraged to contact Martin for any suggestions for our website. There are quite a few of you travelling; enjoy the freedom and the fun and come back safely to your bridge friends. Incidentally, TBIB are worth considering if you need travel insurance.
I look forward to seeing you at bridge, especially for our Super Saturday on 12 August; feel free to bring a visitor along. And don’t forget our AGM and Melbourne Cup which will soon be upon us. Please think of Jocelyn Parry who is physically unable to attend bridge. Enjoy your bridge.
Sylvia Bray