2023 AGM Presidents Report

The President’s Report presented to the Annual General Meeting is a fascinating look back at the past year’s events. Enjoy Sylvia Bray’s reflections.

Since being elected, it’s been an eventful 12 months (it’s true probably every President can say that), particularly at the beginning of my reign, when we were in the throes of Sheenagh resigning and Martin coming on board. Sheenagh and Martin worked together for a short time, enabling Martin to learn the secrets of being our Executive Officer. That transition went very well, with Martin easily fitting into our bridge community. With Martin’s exceptional bridge experience (GrandMaster) and management skills, we were fortunate that he was available to take Sheenagh’s place, after her efficient and competent running of the club for some 20 years. You have all given Martin an unqualified warm welcome, which is well deserved. Martin officially took over on 15th November.

John Nelson suggested that we hold a bridge session & farewell party on the 19th November for Sheenagh, which was enthusiastically taken up and which many of you participated in. This was a great event, I know Sheenagh enjoyed the day, and there were many contributors making sure it was a success. Not to single anyone out, but Eve Clarkson even coming up with that colourful banner.

Our Christmas Congress followed, and was well supported, with positive feedback from members, and visitors from other clubs. Kate North and Martin undertook the running of the congress, and Kerry Barns once again arranged for the catering on Friday and Saturday. Thank you to all those who contributed food, and who helped in the kitchen. As well as the efficient running of the congress, we always receive positive comments on the food provided, and I can’t emphasise enough how important this aspect is – people like to eat!

Our annual Christmas party was a great day, with a bit of a change to the catering arrangement and the usual friendly atmosphere prevailed after the award presentations.

These social events are an important aspect of our club, particularly after the restrictive years of Covid, and the inevitable reduction in our membership. So to build on that, the Marketing Committee followed up with something completely different. A number of you attended the Chrissy Bray interactive music show we held on 27th January this year. The Management Committee made the decision to offer this as a free event, and we held our breath – would anyone turn up? Yes, indeed they did. Members brought their own nibbles along, and drinks were available from the bar. All who attended enjoyed the evening, and the Management Committee basked in the feedback as people continually told us how much they’d enjoyed themselves. Accolades to the Marketing Committee for running with this event. They took a possible risky step into the unknown, and it worked. Thank you also members for your enthusiastic support, you are good sports (you can dance as well as play bridge!).

The Marketing Committee has continued with a programme of social events (Super Saturday, Marvellous Monday, Fantastic Friday) and our grateful thanks to Aspire2Wealth sponsorship. The Committee recognises the value in bringing people together socially. A bridge session followed by complimentary food and a seriously challenging mastermind quiz from John Nelson. We welcomed people from Supervised to one of these events, and they appreciated being included as a part of the club (even took off most of the prizes!).

Again, at the instigation of the Marketing Committing, we held a Gala Open Day on the 19 th April. Once again, who would show up? 100 attendees! We were amazed and delighted with the numbers considering most of the advertising was fairly low key. What was most pleasing was the response from our members, as it wouldn’t have worked without your support. Carla Sullivan did a great job with holding a mini lesson and quite a few of these people became regular attendees at the Supervised sessions. This was such a positive outcome, and we’ll be repeating this event next year.

Our attempts at bringing back members and increasing our membership in this difficult time – all clubs have the same problem - is starting to pay off, and although our numbers are not up to previous years, it is gratifying to see incremental improvements.

Our usual Charity Day was held late April, and once again, you were all very generous in donating goods, and with buying raffle tickets. Well done, and $4,000 plus was raised to aid Ambulance Wish WA. Earlier there was also a flood relief fund raiser, which you generously donated to.

Our annual Winter Congress was held in June, again managed by Martin and Kate North, was well attended, and again, thank you to the usual helpers in the kitchen and Kerry Barns’ crew and the Monday evening helpers. David Burn as Director did a great job – I think he managed this one single handed, quite an endurance test, so well done David. Thank you also to TBIB for their sponsorship for both major congresses.

The Australian National Congress was held at the Convention Centre in July and the club sponsored this event to the amount of $2,000. Quite a few of our members did very well at the various sessions, I believe that story is still on the website. This Congress rotates annually around Australia, so won’t be held here for another 7 years.

As you can see the the first six months or so of the year were demanding and eventful.

The Annabel Booth Memorial Trophy has been kindly offered by Annabel’s family in memory of her contribution to the club and to new players. This will be presented to the best novice player of the year.

Onto more mundane (but important) items ….

An updated document called Session Director Duties & Guidelines was produced during the year and is available to view on the website. This is a very detailed and invaluable guideline to assist Directors with precise protocols during bridge sessions.

Ian Clarke is the new BAWA President, taking over from Nigel Dutton. Ian’s mission is to improve player behaviour at the table. The BAWA Code of Conduct supporting framework including the formation of a Behaviour and Ethics Committee has been completed. It will commence 1 January 2024.

An ABF workshop was held at the BAWA headquarters during the year to demonstrate the MyABF website for ease of member registration and upfront payment for congresses and club events. Martin and I attended the demonstration. This is available for all clubs should they choose, and many players are using this facility. Those wanting to enter our Christmas Congress have got this option, or directly through the club, or alternatively can register by using an entry form. However, it is anticipated that the MyABF facility will be a convenient and fully utilised option in the future.

A fully automatic reticulation system was installed in the front entrance garden earlier this year, and along with the work of the Garden Group, this has been hugely beneficial and our entry way is looking so much better. Well done Karen Moller and her group of busy gardeners – join them if you can.

We have replaced the broken dishwasher and invested in a Square terminal for credit card payments. We have also had to replace fire detection units to cover insurance protection as the previous ones were over ten years old. There’s also a new photo-copier, which was offered to us at a cheaper rate and is a new updated model.

We have had several meetings with people from the Perth Children’s Hospice. They are expecting works to begin in February 2024, and have promised to minimise disruption to the carpark, and to keep us informed of developments.

Penni Fletcher-Hughes has taken over from Carla Sullivan to provide the Club input to the BAWA Focus magazine. Thank you to Carla, and to Penni for their valuable contribution.

The positive outcome of Supervised Sessions, with Jodie Basham, Carla Sullivan and Jane Henderson are having impact. The importance of their contribution can’t be emphasised enough. The people attending these sessions are the club’s future. Our sincere thanks to Carla, Jodie and Jane for their invaluable contribution. Carla has been involved for something like 7 years, and has recently decided to “retire”. We wish you well Carla, your dedication has been amazing, but time to concentrate on some bridge for yourself. I know your students will miss you. Jodie has generously offered to take over the Friday morning session. Excitingly, Peter Hicks has offered to bring back the Saturday Afternoon Supervised session, along with some volunteers to assist. Thank you Peter.

I’ve already mentioned the exciting work the Marketing Committee does. The Tournament Sub-Committee is a vital component of the club and keeps the wheels turning for all our tournaments and congresses. As are our valuable Library and Finance Sub-Committees. Those committees make up some 35 volunteers, quite a few of them doubling on more than one committee. This is a big club and we rely heavily on volunteers. Outside of those committees are a huge number of people who are also willing volunteers.

Our Directors also deserve a special mention, they make our afternoons possible, let’s not take them for granted. I also thank Helen George and Peter Smith in their roles as Patrons.

Steve Pynt, who has given legal advice during the year, and Steve Ledger, our honorary auditor. Thanks also to Aspire2Wealth, and TBIB for their generous sponsorship throughout the year.

I want to thank my hard working Management Committee. You’ve been a great support to me throughout the year, thank you for your feedback and your intelligent advice. I sure need it sometimes.

Martin, we have worked well as a team, and I look forward to another year of getting things done and perhaps making a difference. I suspect your first year has been a huge learning curve, in spite of your bridge background, Your willingness to get things done (even includes changing lightbulbs, plumbing issues, dishwasher installation, sometime cleaner), and your personal contribution to the club is hugely appreciated. Thank you also personally for your support and encouragement.

Thanks also to Brian Embleton – I always say he’s the most important man in the room – he manages the bar. Brian often turns up to open the bar even when he hasn’t played, and keeps the supply interesting and well stocked for our thirsty players. Thank you Brian.

In one of the Trumps Plus I wrote how much we appreciate John Nelson’s production of this newsletter. He crossed it out and refused to publish. Well you can’t escape now John, we all appreciate your hard work, (the quiz especially), and we know the time and effort you put in is enormous. Thank you – we love that you’re able to keep it going.

There are so many more people who deserve recognition and thanks. If you’re aware of someone who contributes, give them a warm thank you. I hope as the year progresses we can acknowledge more of our heroes.

Thank you all as well, it’s a pleasure being in this role and I appreciate getting your feedback. Do keep supporting the club and enjoying our facilities.

Sylvia Bray

Where next?


2023 Sydney Spring Nationals


Richard Basham - Life Member